The PetrolBlog Hillclimb is GO, GO, GO!

Major Waffle
What started off as a crazy idea may actually become a reality, as we bring you news that the Coventry MotoFest may be hosting the PetrolBlog Hillclimb.

PetrolBlog's regular reader may remember that back in March, we introduced the concept of a Bangernomics Hillclimb. In case you've forgotten, you can read about here.

Despite an initial outpouring of support, the small issues of time, money, mortgages and modern life meant that - despite some initial momentum - the concept of a PetrolBlog race was put on the back-burner. But the enthusiasm for the event never waned.

But now - through Ralph Hosier's involvement with the inaugural Coventry MotoFest - there's a very good chance that the PetrolBlog Hillclimb will be going ahead in 2014.

And best of all, there's every chance it could be held on public roads. No really…

Toyota Carina

The Coventry MotoFest will be held - as its name suggests - deep in the heart of Coventry, in the British West Midlands. For the benefit of PetrolBlog's southern readers, that's somewhere north of the M4 corridor. Head up the M5 or M40 and then turn left or right, depending on which motorway you choose.

MotoFest's ambition is to turn Coventry city centre into a kind of Edinburgh Festival of cars, only with a better soundtrack and even more hilarious acts.

You can expect a wide variety of cars, bikes, trucks, buses, emergency vehicles, taxis, music, food, drink and - topping the bill - a race on the Coventry ring road. Which is where the PetrolBlog Hillclimb comes in.

The race director is Ralph Hosier, who is currently pulling strings, writing letters, begging people and generally making a nuisance of himself to ensure the 40th anniversary of the completion of the Coventry ring road goes with a bang.

And given the nature of the PetrolBlog Hillclimb, there's every chance that 'bang' could be the operative word.

For one afternoon only, the entire inner section of the 2.3-mile ring road will be closed to the general public. Which means that normal traffic will still be using the opposite carriageway. Eat your heart out, Monaco street circuit.

The exact format of the race is still to be finalised, which is where the PetrolBlog Hillclimb comes in.

Mitsubishi Carisma

The plan is - like before - to run at least one hillclimb or sprint for old bangers. These cars must be bought for less than £500 and may be modified in any way the owner sees fit, as long as the car still complies with MOT standards.

Crucially, the modifications should cost no more than £300. On top of this, there will be a list of mandatory safety standards to adhere to, which will require specialist equipment. Please see the previous update for further details.

And as if Ralph Hosier won't be busy enough during the run up to the Coventry MotoFest, the plan is for you - the good readers of PetrolBlog - to help Ralph choose the actual car that he will drive on the hillclimb.

We're calling it the 'People's Choice' and it's up to you to decide what he drives. Obviously the more PetrolBloggy the car is, the better it will be. We'll also be looking for sponsors and anyone who can turn Ralph's nightmare motor into a dream chariot.

Finally, the plan is to invite between six and ten bloggers, journalists, writers or tweeters to take part in the race. More on this soon.

The Coventry MotoFest takes place over the weekend of the 30th May to the 1st June 2014 and PetrolBlog will be bringing you more news as the festival takes shape. In the meantime, you can visit the website at, or tweet the team @CovMotoFest.

If you think you might be interested in the Bangernomics Hillclimb, leave us a comment or email Ralph Hosier.

Stay tuned for the next update when we'll bring you more news on how you can help select the 'People's Choice'.

Please let it be a Proton Impian. Please...

Old FART: Proton Impian side view

Images © Rover, Toyota, Mitsubishi and Proton.