Half a Shatchback: Half the horror?

Major Waffle 90s cars Ford Shatchbacks

How do you solve a problem like a Shatchback? Simple, you grab a circular saw and cut the thing in half. No more Shatchback.

That's exactly what Scottish car dealer Peter Vardy has done to promote its half price cars campaign. Being a Vauxhall dealer, they've naturally resisted the temptation to use a Nova or an Astra and have instead opted for a Ford Focus. Not just any old Focus either, but the Ghia. Very posh.

Normally PetrolBlog wouldn't condone such antics, but in the case of a Shatchback we're happy to let it pass. In fact, we'd like to offer the good people of Peter Vardy a Hobnob in recognition of their services to petrolheads.

[caption id="attachment_7950" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Peter Vardy's half Shatchback - Ford Focus Ghia Only half the horror remains[/caption]

Only two questions remain. Firstly, why did they choose to use the hideous back end to promote their offer? Secondly, what's happened to the front end? I have vision's of it being mounted above the Chairman's fireplace in the same way a hunter may mount a deer's head. This idea could catch on. In fact, PetrolBlog encourages dealers across the land to take part in this innovative and unique marketing campaign.

Judging by their website, it strikes me that the Peter Vardy team enjoy what they do. Visit their site at www.petervardy.com.

Hat tip to @antonyingram for bringing this to PetrolBlog's attention. Don't forget your photos for the Shatchback 2013 Calendar - see here for details. I'm thinking that Peter Vardy's effort is a definite candidate now. What do you think?

Remember kids, you can sleep well tonight knowing that one less Shatchback is out there roaming the streets. Don't have nightmares.

Image courtesy of @PeterVardy.