FailCar's Peugeot 205 GTi

80s cars General Bunk Peugeot

PetrolBlog is delighted to reveal @FailCar's new arrival, the much admired and 80s legend, the Peugeot 205 GTi.

I have always had a desire to own a 205 GTi, but somehow have never got round to it. Most of them now have either been molested or people are asking quite serious money. Then one Friday afternoon (5th Nov) while trawling the classifieds this popped out at me:

‘Peugeot 205 1.6 GTi, 1 owner from new FSH 58,000 miles MOT and tax till June 2011.’

A quick phone call and I was down to view it the next morning. For the owners it was a reluctant sale due to a daughter coming of age and being unable to insure her on the family shopping cart. At first sight the car was in a bit of a sorry state. It was just one of these cars that was loved, but never cleaned properly ever. It was more grey than black.

The trim was faded, the paint heavily swirled and dull. They assumed the car needed a full re-spray, but I knew a few hours with a buffing pad and some of the various products I get given but rarely use I could bring it back to former glory.

The owner had received various calls from people in Wales wanting to buy the 205, I informed her that Welsh people would turn it into a rally car and it was better off going to an enthusiast.

A tearful £750 changed hands and I drove home very happy indeed. The car drove beautifully and of course it can really shift. It’s one of those cars you drive while laughing hysterically with joy. Having said that the original Peugeot-Clarion radio has decided after scanning through all of FM it only likes Radio 2.

Peugeot 205 1.6 GTi

First thing that had to happen was a serious cleaning session. Normally I wouldn’t recommend using a pressure washer on a car but the filth and mould on it was so extreme that it had to be done. It took me an hour just to ‘rinse’ it. It was shampooed several times with a wash mitt and then I started the claying process. Check out this pic of the claybar -total filth.

Clay bar Peugeot 205 GTi

Once I was satisfied that it was clean it was time for it to be taken to a friend’s barn to get started on the detailing. I was surprised at how well the paint came up after just a very good (5hr) cleaning session and could not get my head around how it did not have many dings and scratches. First I applied some Poorboys Black hole glaze by hand and then followed it up with another going over with a rotary buffer and more Poorboys. So far I have only completed the left side of the car but the swirls are pretty much gone and the car has a very deep shine.

machine polish Peugeot 205 GTi

Peugeot 205 1.6 GTi

While doing this I started taping up the trim and using a trim restorer that actually contains a dye to get those body mouldings looking fresh. The pictures speak for themselves, after using the restorer on the arches, bumper and sunroof surround it looked like a different car. Total time spent on car so far = 13hours.

Peugeot 205 GTi trim

Peugeot 205 GTi trim

So what is left to do? Well the tailgate has a dent from a fight with a bollard and the rear bumper is cracked. Both of these are just going to get replaced as I managed to source a black tailgate and the missing red trim for the side of the door for £20.

The front foglamps are rusted so I shall be getting a new pair and the bonnet lacquer is going to require some wet sanding and lots of patience.  Also as always with a 1.6 cloth interior the driver side bolster is knackered, so I will be getting this fixed /replaced too. Not sure how yet though, think I might have to do evening needlework classes.

Peugeot 205 1.6 GTi interior

Looking forward to getting it all sorted, as it means that I will probably have one of the most original and tidy Peugeot 205 GTi on the road when it’s complete. I will keep you updated with the progress...

Peugeot 205 1.6 GTi