This Exmoor apartment has a Subaru MV in its front room

General Bunk Subaru
Exmoor is prime Subaru country, so it shouldn't be a surprise to discover that a Dulverton apartment includes a Subaru MV in the front room.

Exmoor is prime Subaru country. Roads drizzled with a thin layer of sheep poo. Weather best described as ‘changeable’. Back lanes so twisty and challenging, they should be lined with Tony Mason lookalikes armed with Thermos flasks.

Dulverton might be on the southern fringes of Exmoor, but it's the epicentre of Subaru country. The village is bookended by the Japanese brand. Enter the village from the south and you're greeted by a Subaru workshop and a parking lot of Subaru models in various states of disrepair.

Enter the village from the east and you'll stumble across a Subaru showroom and petrol station. GC Stanbury has been a Subaru franchise since 1979 but was established nearly 100 years ago.

Subaru Legacy in Dulverton

Spend a few minutes in Dulverton and it won't be long before you spot a Subaru on the road. A leggy but mechanically sound Forester. A Legacy caked in mud and filled with dogs. An early Impreza without modifications. Maybe even a Justy AWD held together by welding and sticky tape.

There should be a sign on the bridge over the River Barle: ‘Welcome to Dulverton – twinned with Shibuya, Tokyo.’

If the prospect of living in Subaru country appeals to you – and you have £450,000 to spare – PetrolBlog has the des res for you. Not only is it located next to the Subaru showroom, it's actually part of the same premises. Check it out on Rightmove.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Subaru MV Pick-up

Scroll through the photos and stop when you get to the tenth image. Yep, that's a 1979 Subaru MV pick-up enjoying the view out of the magnificent window. Antlers on the wall and posh wooden floor – is this the most pampered MV in the UK?

Look beyond the MV. Yep, that's a 1994 Subaru Legacy Turbo 4WD cosying up to an ornate fireplace. The trio of Japanese delights is completed by a 1987 Toyota Supra.

Could you imagine being presented with this property as the mystery house on Escape to the Country? Forget going to The Bridge Inn to discuss your options with Ginny Buckley, you'd be straight on the phone to the vendor to ask if the cars are included in the sale. Full asking price. No negotiation.

Turnkey Japanese

Dulverton apartment with Japanese cars

Having said that, maybe you should enjoy an orange juice with Ms Buckley. As an estate agent might say, it's an opportunity too good to miss.

The property itself dates back to 1889... opposite the vicarage... large galleried landing area... impressive turned staircase... yada, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah.

Sorry, Ginny, we're here for the cars and not the property. It's not everyday you stumble across an apartment with a triple helping of Japanese wonderment. Viewing is recommended, close to a good Subaru dealer, sought-after vehicles, full of history, convenient for epic driving roads, etc, etc.

You can keep your air-conditioned basements filled with supercars and exotica. An apartment with a Subaru MV in the front room is PetrolBlog's idea of a des res. There's just the small matter of finding £450,000.

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