Dogknob's Real World Dream Barn

General Bunk The Barn
Time to remove the dust sheets on another PetrolBlog Real World Dream Barn. Quite possibly the most eclectic selection to date.

It's been far too long since a Real World Dream Barn graced the pages of PetrolBlog. Ten months to be precise. So it's time to reopen the doors, turn on the lights and pull the dust sheets off another selection of motor cars. This time it's the turn of @Dogknob1, who might just win a prize for the most eclectic selection to date.

Over to you, er...Dogknob...

Blimey, it has been quite a challenge creating this list. It seems quite straightforward discussing it over a beer with a few friends, but when it comes down to writing a list, it becomes rather tricky.

My approach was to start by putting a few parameters into the mix to see how quickly the list shrinks. After that apply a bit of common sense (although not a lot) and then finally cap it with a defined number. Which in itself is actually very sensible as just how many cars can you drive? On second thoughts, don't answer that.

With this in mind may I present my very own Real World Dream Barn.

1981 Range Rover In Vogue

Range Rover In Vogue

The In Vogue was pretty much the genesis of the more luxurious factory Range Rovers, but it still managed to retain the clean lines of the original design. Marketed as a car that could do anything, why would you want anything else? The only other version I might take over an In Vogue is the equally lovely CSK.

I have already owned a 1980 3-door classic Range Rover and can't seem to think why on earth I sold it. A moment of madness.

Image taken from the brilliant AROnline, where you can also read more about the In Vogue.

1968 Renault 4

Renault 4

I've always loved the Renault 4 and its van derivative. I've chosen the early version with the rounded grill giving a slightly cleaner look, but quite frankly I'd be happy with a late battered ex-La Poste version with sun bleached tail lights. A remarkable car still soldiering on all over the world.

1976 Jaguar XJ 12C

PetrolBlog Green Car of the Year 2010

Everyone needs a luxo coupé to waft around in and I can think of none better than this pinnacle of Englishness.

My lust for this Jag stems mainly from the The New Avengers where Steed would tear around in this beast whilst sporting a fine tailored suit and bowler hat. Torn between wanting a clean standard car in Squadron blue or Steed's Broadspeed replica in British Racing Green the final decision would come down to my mood on the day! Surely the fact that Steed's replica picked up the Green Car of the Year award in 2010 should help you decide? - ed.

1969 Chrysler Imperial Crown Coupé

1969 Chrysler Imperial Crown Coupé

A lot of you have probably just gone WTF! As a child of the 1970s I was brought up on a diet of American TV. Shows like CHiPs, Kojak and Dirty Harry were compulsory viewing. With massive 4-door sedans flying around the streets in clouds of tyre smoke, you couldn't help but hanker for some American automotive action.

The ‘70s land yachts are always overlooked in favour of muscle cars, but I'd love the big bench seats, lazy 7.2-litre V8 and sheer expanse of this car. The all new for 1969 ‘fuselage’ design is one of my favourites of all time. Just look at it!

BMW E63 M6 Cabriolet

E63 BMW M6 Convertible

I could think of nothing better than jumping in one of these, dropping the top on a crisp winter's day and blasting down through France, chasing the setting sun. The sound of the magnificent V10 engine creating the perfect accompaniment. The BMW M3 is arguably more of a drivers’ car, but I want a car to crush long distant trips in a true GT style.

1989 VW T25 Syncro

VW T25 Syncro

I like vans. I like their simplistic approach to design and engineering. That of needing to be nothing more than a mobile box to transport stuff in.

So why the T25, with its flawed design of a rear engine, useless heating, vague steering and guess work gearbox? For all of those reasons really. It's great fun to pilot a flawed vehicle well. Also the ability to hold all the weekend warrior kit like mountain bikes, dogs, kayaks whilst acting as a camper would be fantastic.

What's more, being the Syncro, the end of the tarmac need not be the end of the journey.

1988 TVR 450SEAC


TVR made the wedge from the early ‘80s, starting out with a Cologne 2.8-litre V6 and ending up with a 4.4-litre V8, complete with rather outlandish spoilers. Can't say I like leather flying jackets but it would surely be a must for one of these. Along with membership to a breakdown recovery service.

1979 Saab 99 Turbo

Saab 99 Turbo

World of Sport on Saturdays used to show all sorts of motorsport, including rallying, which involved some chap with an unpronounceable name driving very sideways. The thing is most of the rally cars didn't look like the cars you saw on the roads at the time. The exception was the Saab, which is why I've always wanted one. I'm also mesmerised by the funky Inca wheels.

Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon

Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon

After the apocalypse, the only survivors will be cockroaches, zombies and one or two perhaps unfortunate survivors! These fellows will need something to cruise the world looking for others folk. His or her choice will be limited to the Peugeot 505 and the Toyota Land Cruiser.

As the Land Cruiser is probably easier to find I'm going this way as well! It's a massive 4x4 used in the most inhospitable of locations.

1993 Ducati 888 SP5

Ducati 888 SP5

Rob Griggs-Taylor managed to sneak a bike on to his list, so I'm going to do the same.

Thunderous exotic Italian V twin. That is all.

To submit your own Real World Dream Barn, check out the criteria here and then get in touch with us at the usual address.

TVR image courtesy of JonRB on Flickr, Imperial courtesy of the Imperial Club, Ducati courtesy of minekaze.exblog, T25 courtesy of Song of the Paddle. Other images courtesy of the respective manufacturers.