André Trigano's Renault Clio Baccara is a little gem
This wonderful Renault Clio Baccara is part of the André Trigano collection of cars to be sold at auction in September. It was bought new by Trigano in 1992
You get the impression that André Trigano buys cars because he likes them. Not as investments. Not because they might impress his friends. Most certainly not to be left unused in an air-conditioned basement.
You'll know the name. Trigano is synonymous with camping and caravanning in France. The success of the business enabled Monsieur Trigano to create a collection of around 210 cars. Having sold some 40 Citroën models at auction in 2016, it's time to sell the remaining 170 vehicles.
Lot number 175 is a 1992 Renault Clio Baccara. Purchased new by André Trigano through the Renault dealer in Foix, the posh Clio has a pre-auction estimate of €4,000 to €6,000 (£3,600 to £5,400).
Little luxuries
The Clio Baccara is held in higher regard in France than it is in the UK – prices have been rising for a while.
A quick look on the Leboncoin website – which is never a chore – reveals prices ranging from €600 (£540) to €5,000 (£4,500), depending on the mileage and condition. In the UK, assuming you can find one, you'll pay no more than £2,000, probably a lot less.
André Trigano's Clio Baccara is a little gem. Just 31,338km on the clock and blessed with the more desirable non-airbag steering wheel. The standard Baccara luxuries are present: wood, leather and the faint whiff of Gitanes (probably).
It's arguably more appealing than the PetrolBlog Clio Baccara by virtue of being a three-door, having fewer miles on the clock, immaculate alloys and (presumably) working yellow fog lights. Note the cassettes atop the dashboard and the period keyring.
‘I'm not brave enough to drive’
Now it's time for 94 year old André Trigano to part with his collection. The Clio Baccara, along with 170 or so cars of varying prices and condition, must go. It will be sold at at the Artcurial sale on 13 September 2020.
“Once I had achieved my goal of bring the whole range together, I found it less interesting,” said Monsieur Trigano.
“I'm not brave enough to drive anymore and no longer take to the wheel at the wheel at the weekend like I used to. A car that doesn't drive is no longer a car, it's just an inanimate object.”
Which serves as a good reminder to wake the PetrolBlog Clio Baccara from its slumber.
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The PetrolBlog Clio Baccara