The Alpine A110 SportsX is too good for words

New cars General Bunk
The Alpine A110 SportsX concept has been unveiled and PetrolBlog is lost for words. It's only January, but nothing is likely to top this SUV coupe in 2020.

Dear German premium brands, this is how you do an SUV coupe. It's only January, but the Alpine A110 SportsX is likely to be the highlight of 2020.

I could tell you that the Alpine A110 SportsX is 80mm wider than the standard A110. Or that its ground clearance has been raised by 60mm. I could even tell you that the Alpine A110 SportsX shares its mechanicals with the A110 Pure.

But quite frankly, I can't, because the Alpine A110 SportsX has left me short of words. In between hawking one of my kidneys to raise funds for the “not available for sale” SportsX, I've been left searching for any kind of literary flow. Euphemism not intended.

It means that, for the first time in PetrolBlog's short and largely forgettable existence, I'm using placeholder text. Still, it has to be better than copy and pasting a press release, right?

Normal service will resume once I've regained control of my senses and have come to terms to the fact that I'll never own the unique Alpine A110 SportsX. Thank you for your consideration at this troubling time.

In the meantime, please marvel in the majesty and brilliance of what could be the finest car of 2020. What is the going rate for a kidney these days?

Dolores petentium cotidieque

Alpine A110 SportsX prototype

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Sumo alterum cum

Alpine A110 SportsX rear

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